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Principal's Message

October 25, 2024 

Hello Families! 

Next week is Halloween. We will be having a Halloween parade travelling around the block to celebrate. Starting at 9:30 AM, students will exit the building through the gym doors on 1st Avenue, then head east and walk around the block and enter back through the same doors. If your student needs a costume, we have a rack full of choices here at school to share. It is going to be a blast and we hope to have lots of families join us!

We are worried about student safety outside in the mornings. We have had numerous occasions with students entering the street either while playing or while crossing from cars dropping them off across the street. Please make sure your student uses the crosswalk to cross safely. We are also going to be reteaching our STAR expectations for outside lines and sidewalks. I am sharing the expectations with families so that you can also help us reinforce expectations at home. Thank you for working with us to help ensure student safety.  

Outside lines and Sidewalks 


We make sure to keep ourselves and others safe 


Walking feet 

Stay out of park strip and street 


We consider others and their needs 


Use positive language 

Leave sticks, rocks, and pinecones on the ground 


We pay attention to our surroundings 


Know where you need to be 

Watch for slippery conditions 



We treat others with kindness and consideration 


Follow directions 





Thursday, October 31—

      2nd Cup and Conversation at 8:30 AM in the library  

      Halloween Parade at 9:30 AM 

      Early Dismissal at 1:45 PM 

Monday, November 11—Report Cards go home 

Tuesday, November 12—Picture retakes 

Adrienne Kumik

Adrienne Kumik

Principal Elementary School